The Unfortunates
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The Unfortunates
An irrepressible adventurer, Poppy is a comic combination of innocence and pluck, but although this is a brisk, breezy read, its also a novel with serious bite. The new novel from the bestselling author of THE FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA. What hope is there for Poppy Minkel She has kinky hair, out-sticking ears, too yellow a neck and an appetite for fun, and her mother An irrepressible adventurer, Poppy is a comic combination of innocence and pluck, but although this is a brisk, breezy read, its also a novel with serious bite. The new novel from the bestselling author of THE FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA. What hope is there for Poppy Minkel She has kinky hair, out-sticking ears, too yellow a neck and an appetite for fun, and her mother Dora despairs of ever finding her a husband, despite the Minkels Mustard fortune that seasons these dubious attractions. When Daddy disappears, Poppys tendency to the unusual is quietly allowed to flourish. World War I opens new horizons. With never a moment of self-doubt, she invents her own extraordinary life in step with the unfolding century.
Title | The Unfortunates |
Author | Laurie Graham |
ISBN-13 | 9781841153155 |
ISBN-10 | 1841153155 |
Publisher | Fourth Dimension Publishing Company |
Language | English |
Edition | NA |
Height | 196 mm |
Width | 129 mm |
Thickness | 22 mm |
Binding | Paperback |
Pages | 384 |